Tuesday, February 28, 2012

☆What I want to do in Japan

According to this countdown:

I have 5 months, 3 weeks, and 3 days until I go to Japan. People keep telling me that that's close, but it feels like forever to me! I wish I could leave now, but I still have things I need to finish up here before I leave.  Anyways, since I have so much time to ponder about what I would like to do in Japan, I came up with a list. Of course, there are probably other things that I want to do that I haven't thought of yet, but I can't wait to experience these!

  • Go to the Studio Ghibli Museum
  • Ride a bike/train/bus/or subway to school. Walking would be really cool, too! I can't wait to see how I will be getting back and fourth from school.
  • Of course, attend a Japanese high school!
  • Join several clubs (if allowed). I'm interested in the Kyudo club (archery), Karate, Ikebana, and others. I'm interested in seeing what they have! 
  • Eat a bento. I'm sure I will be doing plenty of this while in school, but I really can't wait to actually do it! ;D
  • Visit historical landmarks... Especially the old castles, and the city of Kyoto.
  • Go hiking! I always see videos all over YouTube about hiking in Japan, especially in the mountains. I love hiking myself, but there aren't many places to go where I live. 
  • Be fluent in Japanese... Upon return. I'm hoping that I cram enough Japanese into my head before I leave so I can be somewhat conversational upon arrival. 
  • Take a LOT of pictures! I want to make a huge scrap book when I come back. 
  • Visit small villages and towns.
  • Go shopping in a Japanese grocery store. I know this is rather random, but I'm interested in seeing how something so ordinary in our life is different in another country.
  • Visit temples and shrines. Lots and lots of shrines. 
  • Participate in festivals. It would also be really cool if I could go to one where I could dress in traditional attire, like a kimono or yukata.
  • I would really like to see geisha. The geisha is what caught my interest in Japan... When I was 5 years old.
  • Have Japanese Host grandparents... Ojiisan and Obaasan! (I believe, haha!) I would love to hear their stories about Japan. I love listening the stories my dad has about Russia, and my grandpa about Germany.
  • Try Japanese candy! ;D And takes lots home!
  • A typhoon & earthquake. I would NEVER want these natural disasters to harm people, or be strong enough so they could. I've just never experienced one of these before and think it would be interesting.
  • Eat all Japanese food dishes ;)
  • Have a fun year!
So these are just a few things that I want to do while in Japan. I'm open to much more and would like to experience everything! 

Thursday, February 2, 2012

☆Donating Blood in Japan

Lately I've been spending a lot of my free time on this website called, "GaijinPot.com" because they have numerous articles about Japan. One in particular caught my eye, and it was about donating blood in Japan! Apparently, there is a shortage of blood donations in Japan, so the Japanese Red Cross is holding a 2 month campaign starting in February (now) to "raise the importance of donating blood."

And, of course, leave it to Japan to come up with an adorable mascot!

Here is the link to the original article: http://injapan.gaijinpot.com/2012/01/11/donating-blood-in-japan-part-one/

I know many exchange students wouldn't put "giving blood" as something on their "to do list" but I'm actually quite interested in doing so. My blood type is O (I believe O- but I'm not positive... Pun not intended!) I've also researched the "rules" of donating blood in Japan, and so far, I'm safe. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find anything about an age requirement. I know that in America you have to be 16 (or, at least in my state) but I don't know if that applies to Japan. I guess that's something I'll have to check out when I arrive!

As of right now, the only new news I've gotten regarding my exchange is that I will be having an orientation meeting on March 25th and April 2nd. I was super excited when I received the news, but then I realized I still have almost 2 months to wait!