Friday, January 20, 2012

☆7 Months and 1 Day until Departure?

I found this one website called "Cultures-Shocked", which is a place where foreign exchange students (past, present, and future) can talk to each other and give advice. I noticed that several people had these countdown apps on their signatures, so I decided to make one!

I think these are so cool! You can actually choose the background of your "ticker" (and there are a lot to choose from) as well as the icon, mine being the airplane. I chose an airplane soaring through the clouds because (1) I'm a huge airplane/airport nerd, and (2) it's quite fitting.
I had some trouble posting this onto my blog, so I had to post it as a picture, though I don't know if it will "count down" like that... Unfortunately, I don't know when the exact day of departure will be, so I put in August 21st, 2012, which is the date most people usually leave on their Rotary exchanges. This day is actually on a Tuesday, so I highly doubt they'll send me then. It most likely will be on Saturday, August 18th, or the following Saturday, on August 25th. I hope it's closer to August 18th! ^^;

7 months is still kind of a long time, unfortunately, so I'm more focused on counting down the weeks of school! I have 17 left, excluding Spring Break. Our school is split up into "9 weeks" and two 9 weeks makes up a semester. It makes me feel better to say, "Next 9 weeks is the last!" but we just started this session, so... I still have quite awhile! But after school lets out I can chill during summer. I will be working so I can buy a camera and maybe a cheap laptop (I'm afraid to take my current one, the hardware is corrupt, so it has many problems. Sometimes they're so bad I can't even get on) before I leave for my exchange. The money for my exchange is due on May 1st! Ah! Suddenly it feels like I need more time ^^;

I'm going to be studying my Japanese hardcore now! I can read hiragana and katakana, and I studied quite a bit of vocabulary. My mom bought me a small phrasebook, and I'm going to try to memorize the whole thing, even the "unnecessary" parts, like going to the bank, sending mail, etc. I think it will help me in the future to know that type of vocabulary, and also it might help my Japanese progress much faster once I reach Japan!

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