Thursday, January 26, 2012

☆And then there was some news...

Great news, the Ticker works! So I now have 6 months, 3 weeks, and 5 days until I go to Japan! Unfortunately, everything else seems to be coming at such a slow pace. I haven't heard anything from the Rotary club for awhile. No news about my district... Or no news about where I will be living. Well, here I am making it sound so dramatic! It's only been about 2 weeks since the interview, so that's understandable.

Fortunately, I've met with some other exchange students on FaceBook that are also going to Japan with Rotary this year! We've been talking for awhile now; it's awesome! It's cool that I get to "prepare" and fantasize about going to Japan with other girls my age. One is from America, and the other is from Brazil. I most likely will meet the girl from America when we fly to LA for our pre-departure orientation. The next day, we'll fly to Japan together! As for the girl from Brazil... I probably won't get to meet her until I'm actually in Japan and the Rotary club there holds a meeting, which they say are held periodically (usually one to two times a month).

Also, I received an invite from one of the girls that were at the Rotary interview on FaceBook! We've been talking back and forth, and we've added all the other people that were at the interview as well, though I don't really talk to them. She hasn't heard any information either concerning which district she'll be placed in. Another person I met on FaceBook, who is going to Japan with Rotary this year as well, said that she got accepted by Rotary in mid-December, and that she found out her district the second week in January. It shouldn't be long (hopefully) before we find out our information...

This Saturday I have my BPA regional competition. BPA stands for Business Professionals of America, which is a "club" that I participate in at school. I will be doing "keyboarding" (typing) because I can type 100 words per minute without mistakes ^^" But I also have to know basic knowledge about computers. For the BPA meets we HAVE to be dressed in business attire. Unfortunately for me, I found out just yesterday that the meet was this Saturday, so I had absolutely nothing to wear! My mom picked me up early from school to find an outfit... And I wound up with this...
A bright blue and green business suit... The picture doesn't do it justice. (And yes, that is a miniature Christmas tree in the background. I feel like it really adds some warmth to my room, so I'm keeping it up! haha xD) My mom bought it because it was on sale... She said, "You can't beat this price!" I kind of like it, but a lot of times people think my tastes in fashion are... Strange... So I'm worried people might tell me I look like a Peacock or a Chameleon. D: Oh well, we'll see how it goes.

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